Saturday, February 6, 2010

Can't be Unseen

You ever seen something blasphemous you know you shouldn't have?...and laughed and enjoyed it none the less?  Yeah, I'm expecting God to unleash his wrath through my laptop screen any moment Raiders style.

I don't know what the best part of this video is. The space helmet wearing angel monkey in heaven, Jesus turning Holy Water into Whiskey, the mixing of Jesus blood(wine) with drugs, doing the moonwalk over the water, the baseball cap embroidered with thorns that could have come right out of the Ed Hardy collection, or the rave style Crucifixion of a finale. Yep, going to hell.

One thing I didn't like? The savior of mankind should not be wearing "tighty whities" Video after the jump.


Adam said...

Okay. I had to watch this 3 times. This is just brilliant. This must be the next move the Catholic church is making to get more youth into the pews. I mean after that failed "Buddy Christ" movement they had to do something.

HypnoToad said...

Ahh Buddy Christ, he was just a temptation. I'm still trying to figure out the "Last Supper" scene. They are all weightless, and he shoots little bread bites out of his finger?

Don't know why, but now I want some cinnon bons.

Adam said...

Hmmmm gooey cinnamon [Drool]. Well I think the last supper scene was easily interpreted after seeing the flying space monkeys. God is an astronaut! Hell I still can't get over Joseph smoking the Cuban in the manger scene.

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