Monday, February 22, 2010

I'm not a God, but I play one at work.

Saw this pic on reddit awhile ago with the headline "Where is your god now?".  Apparently all it takes to posses god like powers in the eyes of the masses is a basic education in engineering.  I mean raise your hand if the first thing you ran through your mind when you saw this picture was not amazement, or "that's photo-shopped"...but to do a simple force diagram in your head and shrug.

Engineers can do this with their mind!

I guess engineering is indistinguishable from magic to most liberal arts majors...I should probably use this to my advantage and just start doing engineering parlor tricks to draw in the apostles.  All Jesus did was have a never ending basket of fish...I can make shite levitate!

In all seriousness I should probably sub for a grade school class and spend the day teaching kids tricks like this and tell them to go home and show mommy and daddy.  Then just sit back and watch the calls come rolling into the school that I'm teaching their children witchcraft heh.


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