Saturday, February 27, 2010

Foodnetwork + Reality = Must See TV

We've all seen the multitude of cooking shows out there.  What do they all have in common?  Perfection.

These two are one water spotted dish away from losing their cool.

You know what makes good TV? Chaos! I don't want to see another show with a pristine kitchen stocked with every conceivable appliance and tool.

I want to see someone cook with 3 screaming kids running around the kitchen fighting while the dogs dance around the cooks feet waiting for scraps to fall. I want to see the cook try to mix something up while holding a crying baby in one hand, the phone held to her ear with a hunched shoulder, while another kid is playing with the knifes that are stacked in the open washing machine.

I want to see the cook find out they don't have the right utensil/tool or better yet, find out their spouse didn't rinse off the dishes before putting them in the washing machine and the thing they need NOW isn't clean. Then just as they figure that out...they find out that they are missing an essential ingredient(or it's gone bad in the fridge) they are about to lose it because two of the kids are yelling and trying to pull out each other's hair...and the slow one is painting the walls with their soiled diaper, the guy from Iron Chef comes staggering from off screen dressed in an outfit that consists of a flannel shirt and sweats that look like they have been slept in for days to rummage through the fridge to find and announce the "secret ingredient" of the day.

Chairman Kaga says the secret ingredient is Hummus!

The show should just keep going from there. Kids whining when dinner is going to be done, the oven not cooking evenly, the different courses not being done at the same time, and the cooks spouse being late coming home from work.

Top the show off by having the family sit down for dinner, the cook(host) puts on a chipper face and says how easy it was to the audience, and then have the cooks spouse saying the meal didn't taste good....cue look of death from cook....fade out to police sirens and the COPS logo.


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