Saturday, February 27, 2010

Your the Best!

While Mr. Miagi taught young men and women the fine art of Karate...Mrs. Miagi followed a different path into the seedy underworld of high stakes drinking competitions where she groomed the very best! 

"Very good Marion-san!"

Cue 80's style training montage of drinking exercises: beer after liquor, one handed keg stands, Long Island Ice Teas....none of that wax on wax off, fix my house up from dawn to dusk in contravention of child labor laws shite.  No Mrs. Miagi has her pupils working in her bar like it's a sweat shop. Which all leads up to Marion's climatic show down against an ex-president of the Alpha Beta fraternity.

Whats the drinking equivilent of "sweep the leg"?

Marion almost doesn't make it, but Mrs. Miagi slips her some herbal stimulants on the down low and she holds it together just long enough to drink the Alpha Beta under the table.  Then she passes out....and Mrs. Miagi steals her winnings from her unconcious hand...the end.


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