Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Gracie vs. The Dogs

I was a little worried about how my niece Gracie and my dogs would get a along while she was in town over Christmas.  Rambunctious toddler with no fear and two skittish dogs twice her size.  Yeah, me, watching like a hawk.

Gracie vs. Hudson: The Rookie and the Old Man

Turned out to be fine...and completely entertaining.  Gracie would get a kick out of the fact that as soon as she ran towards the dogs they would scatter and slink away.  So, I would call them over and and calm them down and have Gracie come over and give them a big bear hug, they just looked like they wanted to bolt heh.

Well Gracie got a kick out of giving them hugs, and knew they would scatter they saw her coming, so she started stalking them!  She would come up slow behind them while they slept, or more impressive...crawl under the coffee table and sneak up on them that way...then give them a big hug and laugh at her ingenuity.

Thing she liked the best was feeding them, and the dogs did great at that.  They actually trusted her when she was locked up tight in her highchair.  She would just reach down and they would gently take the food from her hand...and then she would squeal and smile when their tongue or nose touched her hand.  I actually think she got a real kick out of finally being able to feed someone else instead for once.

Miss Gracie heh.

Aside: I can not get a picture of the dogs.  I could cook up a nice steak, put it on the ground at my feat, and the dogs would run the opposite way as soon as I were to pull out the camera.  I only got Hudson in the one above because he was asleep.  He came awake fast as soon as he heard to camera lens extend.


Adam said...

Those are awesome pictures. I wish we could come home sooner to visit. I'd love to see Grace, and I'm sure Aiden would love to see you guys. We show him your picture's every day and he knows you all by name. He's still having problems saying Heather though:/

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