Saturday, February 27, 2010

All Hail our Superior Leaders!

The same moonbat politicians that can't understand the basic supply and demand prinicples of economics...who just think they can write a new law or two to make the economy dance and do what they want(where they pick the winners and losers)...who think they can take a dollar from you, wash it through the government bearcracy, and then spend it and magically it has a stimulative effect.  Are the same one's who think they can control the weather and the rest of the forces of nature.  Seems to me that only one person has managed that, and he had help.

Obama did promise to lower ocean levels in his first term

If global warming is happening, maybe we should let it.  Has anyone ever looked at a map and realized that if it actually warmed up(my feet are frozen at this moment) we would gain all of the land mass in northern Canada and Russia to grow food?  Global warming people are obviously in the "glass half empty" camp...maybe we should start another cold war with someone just so they have something real to worry about.  Soon as they lost the threat of nuclear war to worry about...this whole global warming farce popped up.


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