Wednesday, February 10, 2010

This is not the America I grew up in!

Hasbro is revamping(destroying) the game of Monopoly.  Gone will be the traditional square board, and most important...bye bye funny money.  You'll use a credit card.  Dear god I hope this a "New Coke" style marketing scheme.

No money!...are you fricken kidding me!  How in gods name is anyone going to cheat?  Entire generations grew up either A) volunteering to be the banker so you could embezzle funds, or B) Learning to never trust anyone that volunteered to be the banker and watch them like a hawk.  These were real life lessons.  you learned to count and handle money, and keep track of "The Man".

So instead of cash, you'll be using a credit card, which will actually be designed by Visa....hookem while their young!

I'm going to slip into conspiracy theory mode here.  We have a round board invoking Arthur's Round Table, we are equal blah blah.  It's hard for someone to be living on the ritzy street of Park Ave....if the unwashed on Baltic Ave aren't even around the corner out of the line of sight!  Then you have everyone's transactions being electronically recorded and sent to big brother to make sure you spend your money "correctly".

Top it all off with a box with a big "Red" label over the words Revolution....they might as well put the Soviet hammer and sickle on the box!

(Over the Top? heh)


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