Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Things I think I think: January 5, 2010

1. The United States needs to have a crash Bioengineering program modeled after the Manhattan Project, just so we can give the President the ability to hold a news conference and announce...."Release the Kraken!"  See the Jihadies mess with that! Zeus > Mohammad.

2. Who wins in a game of hide and go seek? Carmen Sandiego or Waldo?

3. After seeing Avatar, I think God has been lacking in the imagination/beauty department. The government needs to spend some of that stimulus money(Obama's Stash) to bio engineer my grass to glow in the dark...hell they bioed pigs to glow in the dark!

4. Ok, we have American Idol, contestants which SING covers. Then some other show that have groups sing...covers. Then we have dance shows(throw a dart at a style). Where are the shows that feature instrument talent? Did I miss the fact that Gutar Hero/Rock Band are two of the most popular games in history? Put some actual musicians on stage to show what they can do!..let them do some orginal stuff. The other shows cut out the entire male demographic. Makes too much sence I know.

5. Do you think Goofy hates his parents for cursing him with that name?


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