Thursday, January 14, 2010

Poor Nazi Monkey

As kids, we all loved the monkey in Raiders of the Lost Ark, my god...they had a PET MONKEY. But all that awe and goodwill vanished when he went and saluted the Fuhrer. Not only was he a traitor spy monkey, he was a Nazi! Where was Peta on this one? Maybe if they had trained him to smoke like other monkeys he could have found a niche in Hollywood, but going around saluting the Fuhrer? I don't think that would fly...and lets not even get into doing children's parties.

No, he probably lasted about a week in a zoo where he would salute the passing visitors in a desperate hope of a treat and a little love...but then toss his poo when they shook their heads in disgust and ignored him. People didn't pay him attention, the other monkeys knew he was a spy...No love for the little Nazi monkey.

You would like to think he ended up with a nice group of skin heads or Wahhabi Muslims so he could spend his days doing what he does best on countless YouTube videos...but I don't think this little guy got the "he's living on a farm" happy ending.

Shame what Spielberg did to ya. Sieg Heil little buddy....Sieg Heil.

(Cue fade out to Boyz to Men music)


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