Saturday, January 2, 2010

Greek Gods are Passive Agressive

Initially when I read that they were remaking Clash of the Titans I immediately proceeded to face palm in disgust.  Then I saw this trailer.  It's like every rock album cover from the 80's had sex with each other and gave birth to this trailer.  I bet if I watched this trailer with the music intrest...but I didn't.

So what did we learn from this trailer?

1.  Apparently the monster from Cloverfield is finally getting new scripts...but is still type cast as a big monster from the sea.

2.  Rappers need to be quaking in their boots(but not too hard, not much holding up those pants).  When was the last time you heard a trailer with rap music in it?  Rock is coming back!

3.  They completely need to make this into a live "play".  Toss the orchestra out of their pit...stock it with a heavy metal band...surround the pit with a chain link fence for protection, and then serve cheap beer.

4.  I could make a mint if I had a time machine...screw killing Hitler...I would be back selling Levies to Greek and Scottish warriors.  Kilts are so last millennium.

5.  In that armor...Liam Neason is so much more sparkly than Robart Paterson from Twilight(I have no Idea what that means...but I always here sparkly and twilight together)


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