Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Things I think I think: January 12, 2010

1. They are actually making a big hollywood biography about Muhammad...were they will never show him on screen, just so they don't offend. Nothing says entertainment like 3 hours of silloets...maybe they can do them in 3D!...Dear God.

2. After seeing how radical Muslims reacted to just a simple cartoon of Muhammad...I wonder how they would react if anyone actually slipped and called out his name durring sex. Wait...most muslims are named Muhammad...kinky.

3. There are probably Jihadis searching for me right now because I've mispelled Muhammad at least twice now writing this....hopefully spell check saves me....hell Google probably has already sent them all my personal information just because I needed the spellcheck.

4. New fathers should be forced to look at redcarpet photos from the AVN(Adult Video N?) awards as a warning. Not my damn daughter!

Just slap that image on the cover of a parenting book with the title "Don't be that Dad".  NYT best seller.

5. Anyone else expect all the Keebler Elves to come crashing out of that big tree in Avatar when they blew it up?


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