Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Things I think I think: March 17, 2010

1. I think I should bring a can of Easy Cheese with me next time I go up for communion. Spray a little cheese on my communion wafer. I wonder if the priest would immediately douse me with holy water.

2. I love how the McDonald's dollar menu has been resisting the forces of inflation going on a good decade. We should really think about putting Ronald McDonald in charge of the Fed, has to be better than Turbo Tax Timmy.

3. Why are guys who come on The Maury Povich show to see if "they are the father"...always bringing their mommy along with them?

4. Why do I think the reason "The Count" on Sesame street is obsessed with counting is because he has been alive for so so long? He is probably marking the days like a depressed prisoner.

5. Girl Scouts and Cookie Monster...a product commercial made in heaven. Way to miss that one Mad Men


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