Thursday, March 4, 2010

Or Sins Forgiven, but at a Price!

Tatar Sauce - Jesus brand of "special sauce"

Jesus died for our sins, which is why we were cursed with the fillet-o-fish...that whole balancing of the universe thing. Yes it's that time of the year again...Lent! yeahhh. I wish the geniuses that thought up making all Catholics eat fish on Fridays as a favor to the fisherman, could have foreseen the future where it feeds a multi billion dollar fast food restaurant!

I won't even delve into the fact that the FoF contains multiple kinds of fish(not a good sign), or that they have to keep shifting the kind of fish they use because of overfishing(that's right, the FoF/catholic church, is destroying the environment!). It doesn't matter what kind of fish they use...they will just fry it up enough so you can't taste it. It's the other facets of the FoF that make it disturbing.

Cheese on a fish? It's been awhile since I was in a biology course, but I'm pretty sure cows live on land, and fish live in the sea. They were never meant to meet! You know something is wrong when the cheese is on the bottom of the of the sand which, it's a tact id admission that it doesn't belong on the sand which...cheese should never be a second class topping! They even only give you 1/2 a piece, which just makes it a show piece to make you think it will taste like any other sand which, but then you taste it....and it's too late.

I really need to start trying to convert people to my Friday Lent practice of having lamb(I love Greek food)...I go with the justification that Jesus was the lamb of God. See St. Peter mess with that logic when I'm standing at the pearly gates!

Aside:  Notice how McDonalds has a mascot for all their food choices BUT the fillet-o-fish?  McDonalds even knows it's bad.


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